Students in PAX Academy are able to earn academic credits by “taking their time” and pursuing their unique passions and interests in ways that are most meaningful for them. This is the heart behind the unschooling philosophy.

Colleges refer to this type of learning as “portfolio credit.”

Everything that you do in your life is an opportunity to learn, and through PAX Academy, we will help you convert your real life, real world experiences into academic credits. You can earn portfolio credit for the learning that you have done in many different ways, including:

  • full- or part-time jobs 
  • independent reading or study
  • open-source courses
  • training programs or in-service courses 
  • volunteer work 
  • cultural and artistic pursuits
  • hobbies
  • recreational activities 
  • volunteer or community service 
  • military service 
  • education abroad 
  • organizational memberships 

Below you can read examples of different children in different ages and stages of life and explore what unschooling might look like for them.